Category: Gluten-Free Research
Tampa Area Celiacs a Support Group- Janet Heitler
There are many ways we with celiac or gluten intolerance can help others. One way is to head a group. Jane is an exceptional woman with her story and running a group for many years now. Here is her story and a link to a news article about her and her experiences. Really worth […]
Increased Awareness of Celiac Disease in U.S. Brings Increased Support
In the United States, a slightly increased rate of celiac diagnosis among adults has already lead to increased support. Gluten-free foods and gluten-free recipes are more readily available than ever. The Gluten-Free Restaurant Awareness Program (GFRAP) assists in the mutually beneficial relationship between people diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten intolerance and restaurants, resulting […]
Studies Show Link between Gluten Intolerance and Autism
Autism is a disorder that is causing more and more concern in the U.S., provoking much research and debate. Recently, various studies, particularly those conducted in the field of alternative medicine, have suggested that there may be a link between autism and food allergies, specifically to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and […]
Testing for Celiac Disease is Easy!
As hard as it is to get a celiac diagnosis in the U.S., the diagnosis isn’t difficult to test for. Simple blood tests detect the disease over ninety percent of the time. The diagnosis is then confirmed by an upper endoscopy. A small, flexible tube is slipped into the mouth of the sedated patient, down […]
Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome Could Be Tied to Gluten Intolerance
If you’ve been experience tummy troubles for years—gas, bloating, stomach aches, and diarrhea, you’ve likely already been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). New research regarding celiac disease, however, is linking IBS with gluten intolerance and doctors are recommending IBS sufferers, especially those with diarrhea-predominant IBS. New research published in the Archives of […]
Celiac Diagnosis Is on the Rise
There is good news for the millions of Americans who suffer from celiac disease, or coeliac disease, and gluten intolerance—celiac diagnosis among adults is on the rise. Not only does this mean that more and more people are experiencing relief for their painful symptoms, but the door is opening for gluten intolerance support around […]
You Can Raise Awareness for Celiac Disease
How do we get the estimated three million Americans with celiac disease properly diagnosed and adequately treated? The answer lies in increased awareness and research. There are currently 49 autoimmune diseases, and celiac disease is the only one which isn’t supported in research by the government. This needs to change. In my […]
Perrigo’s New Gluten-Free “claim” on Drugs
By Shandra Martinez ALLEGAN — Perrigo Co.’sannouncement Monday it will be the first manufacturer in the United States to label more than 200 of its over-the-counter drugs gluten free is drawing mixed reactions. The problem is the Food and Drug Administration has not come out with a standard for what is considered gluten free, said Elaine […]
Gluten -Free General Mills UPDATE
General Mills has launched a GLUTEN FREE site with this purpose: Our goal is to help you live your life without gluten… freely. Did you know there are more than 200 great-tasting gluten-free products from General Mills? It’s true! Hundreds products are already gluten free, plus they are working hard to add more to the […]
Gluten-Free Manufacturers Giving Back
Tricia Thompson, M.S., RD is a nutrition consultant, author andspeaker specializing in celiac disease and the gluten-free diet. This week I would like to recognize manufacturers of gluten-free food who are generously helping out our gluten-free friends in need. Please support these companies by purchasing their products. If you are a manufacturer of gluten-free food, […]
New York Times- Celiac is Underdiagosed!
An article was published today in the New York Times entitled: “The Overlooked Diagnosis of Celiac Disease”. A very well-written article on a largely over-looked topic, I wanted to share the link to the full article with everyone: Tina Turbin
Design Your OWN Gluten-Free Bar ON-LINE!
Design your own custom energy bar perfectly tailored to your personal taste and nutritional needs. Build-a-Bar allows you to design anything from High protein low carb energy bars to gluten free protein bars. Each customized nutrition bar is handmade and guaranteed delicious. Build your own custom protein bar today for your family, your kids or simply pamper yourself! […]
Cooking Sites For You!
I am always one to locate some good tools to help us all in the kitchen. Here is one for those unopened boxes or cans in your food cabinet. Not sure of the shelf life? Well look here: As a mom, researcher and writer I love to share little finds as well as be […]
A Mom Writes In- Her story
Hi Tina, I just thought I would forward to you a letter a wrote and sent out to any and all CD research centers and organizations I could! I guess if you read it, it tells it all, but I will briefly recap for you. We just got back form a road trip in which […]
I Found Terrific Gluten-Free Site!
This site is an amazing resource for us moms! You can look up certain brands of foods and the ingredients to stay away from food allergies or additives. Search “Gluten-Free” and “cookies” for example and you will be guided to a list of treats that will fit your needs. I am a bit picky when […]
October Winner Of My Contest-Anthrolopogy Apron!
Tina here is my story to share with you about my precious daughter, Leah: Celiac Disease and 18 Month Old Leah! A new mom, feeding journals, diaper journals, sleep schedules… all trial and error! Leah’s precious life started with a week in the NICU, but as a fighter she bounded out and has been that way […]
As Gluten Awareness Grows, So Does Variety of Gluten-Free Treats
You’ve just been diagnosed with celiac disease or you’ve discovered you have a gluten intolerance. Now what? You’re going to have to be on a gluten-free diet from now on, your doctor informs you. But wait. Before your disappointment at the thought of diet restrictions starts to set in, take note that there are some […]
Listen to Tina Turbin- Every 2nd Monday on this Radio Show
Please visit me every 2nd Monday of the month at 12 noon, EST. The wonderful Host is Jordan Mercedes of Thrive-In-Balance, a terrific and entertaining show. You are welcome to call in and ask questions. Every month we are covering an interesting topic and will be having some wonderful surprise guests! The next show is […]
Celiac Disease a Hidden Epidemic by Peter H, R, Green, MD.
How Does Celiac Affect You? As I have said before, According to Dr. Alessio Fasano, medical director of the Center for Celiac Research, 2.5 million to 3 million people in the USA have celiac disease. This makes it twice as common as Crohn’s disease, ulceric colitis and cystic fibrosis combined. Unfortunately to date, no more […]
Dr. Maureen Ellis, Ph.D. Connects Up With Tina Turbin- Part 1
My husband I both feel like the reason I have been so successful with addressing my Gluten-Free situation is because of my ability to research in-depth every single component of this disease. The first time I went to the grocery store after getting my gluten-free diagnosis . . . I spent hours on the computer […]