Category: References
Gluten-Free Manufacturers Giving Back
Tricia Thompson, M.S., RD is a nutrition consultant, author andspeaker specializing in celiac disease and the gluten-free diet. This week I would like to recognize manufacturers of gluten-free food who are generously helping out our gluten-free friends in need. Please support these companies by purchasing their products. If you are a manufacturer of gluten-free food, […]
Cooking Sites For You!
I am always one to locate some good tools to help us all in the kitchen. Here is one for those unopened boxes or cans in your food cabinet. Not sure of the shelf life? Well look here: As a mom, researcher and writer I love to share little finds as well as be […]
I Found Terrific Gluten-Free Site!
This site is an amazing resource for us moms! You can look up certain brands of foods and the ingredients to stay away from food allergies or additives. Search “Gluten-Free” and “cookies” for example and you will be guided to a list of treats that will fit your needs. I am a bit picky when […]