We would be remiss if we did not offer tips, tricks, and facts on this website to help the many women who may experience physical and or mental issues that celiac can stir up or wreak havoc on them.
The lifestyle changes that come about for a single or married woman, with or without children, will contribute to the juggling act one must attempt to introduce the gluten-free diet into their own life, household, or to a family member in need. The cooperation from others will be a growing and nurturing experience, not to mention a learning curve beyond most women’s wildest dreams.
I encourage you to keep researching and know that not anyone’s website will answer all your questions or solve your issues. Not even the best of physicians will do this for you. This auto-immune disease is best to take on with an open mind and the willingness to learn. CD is the one auto-immune disease in the USA which is not government-funded for research… which is nonsense. I know! It is, however, the only auto-immune disease that can be resolved with a diet change, especially if caught and diagnosed early.
You may find that your gluten-free diet needs tweaking. By this, I mean that you may discover you now have other allergies to foods such as dairy, which is quite common for celiacs. Another example of this is that you may never do well with certified gluten-free oats. It is common, especially if your small or large intestine is sensitive to the fiber or a protein in oats called avenin, which acts similar to wheat, rye, and barley in people with celiac disease.
Refractory Celiac Disease incidence may be higher than once thought. This disease is a mystery to medicine and is present when a CD patient does not respond well to the gluten-free diet. I was that very patient, and I resolved my issues by going off all grains, which you can read more about here. I am now on a grain-free diet and love it! I eat loads of incredible foods and make delicious grain-free baked goods and recipes. I finally healed up and can thrive painlessly and in great health, having stable and excellent blood tests and my energy back. I do not need to address my diet at all anymore. And yes, I am one of those who are severely dairy intolerant.
Sometimes, it can be like trial and error for those who are celiac or gluten sensitive. Keep trying to see what works best for your body and realize that the body is a living organism. Things will change, heal, and get better with the correct protocol, diet, and lifestyle for your incredibly unique individual body.
I hope this page has been helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.
Tina Turbin