Serves 1 -2, 1 cake (change servings and units)
The most dangerous gluten free cake recipe in the world! WHY! Because now we are all only 5 minutes away from chocolate cake at any time of the day or night! Oh my- Yummy folks, I mean it.
4 Tbs. sweet rice flour
4 Tbs. sugar
2 Tbs. cocoa
1 egg
3 Tbs. oil
3 Tbs. chocolate chips, opt.
Also required: 1 large coffee mug. (16 oz)
1. Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well.
2. Add the egg and mix thoroughly.
3. Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.
4. Add the chocolate chips (if using).
5. Add vanilla extract, and mix again.
6. Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.
7. The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don’t be alarmed!
8. Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.
EAT! (This recipe can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous). * Can use non-dairy milk to make dairy-free. Note: I used a 16 oz. mug.
From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.
Is there any thing you can replace rice flour with since were grain free.
And can’t use Sorghum, it’s corn.
You can always try things like nut flours or coconut flour. I always think Almond flour tastes good in deserts.
Hahaha! Cake in a mug, love it! I hate using microwaves though but if you do it occasionally it’s not such a big deal. Definitely going to try this one soon, as soon as I have collected all the ingredients after going grocery shopping.
Made it and it is heavenly! It certainly did rise though, and I did get alarmed, but you were right, all turned out well. I can’t believe I can have gluten free chocolate cake now whenever I want it just like that!
Love this! Well, I haven’t tried it yet, but I love the idea of it! What seems especially cool about it is that if you ever have any late-night cravings and no gluten-free bakeries are open for a quick chocolate fix, you can make yourself something yummy just like that!
Oh my goodness it’s heaven in a cup! Turned out great! The best part of this recipe is that it only takes you a few minutes so if you mess it up or if for some reason you don’t like it, it doesn’t matter cuz it’s not like you wasted too much time on it anyway.
Tina I LOVE this recipe! I shared it on the celiac listserv. My son wants to make it over and over and over again! He makes these for me, his daddy, and his sister all by himself. Neat!
I’m trying this for sure! I’m glad it’s got good feedback because I was a little uncertain when I first saw this and I don’t really like cooking anything in the microwave, but COME ON it’s chocolate cake anyway which isn’t exactly healthy eating so who cares if you use the microwave to make it as long as it looks good and doesn’t have gluten!
Heard about this on a celiac listserv and couldn’t wait to try it! My daughter had a sleepover last night and all the girls were so happy with their mugs of cake. Great recipe idea! Perfect for kids!
Okay, I think I’m going to try a new project inspired by this recipe: different 5-minute cake recipes–chocolate cake, carrot cake, vanilla cake, etc. I’ll let you know how it goes!
I make several kinds of microwave cakes for 2. Such a quick way to get the dessert without making a large cake!
I use quinoa flour instead of the rice. Quinoa is a little stronger tasting, but the chocolate hides it well. At first, I used a mug, but liked the thinner cake, so started using a small glass mixing bowl.
Thanks for all your great work!
I am doing so well this summer not eating sugar, but I’m afraid this one is too easy and tempting. I have been eating just fruit and cheese (I think the protein is really important) when my cravings hit, but I guess it isn’t so bad to have a little chocolate cake every now and then…
Super yummy!!! It’s like a food version of hot chocolate!
The first time I made this I loved it but I didn’t have any chocolate chips around and left them out. When I made it again I made sure to include the chocolate chips, even though they’re optional, and I liked it MUCH better, so I definitely recommend keeping them.
@Lee thanks for the quinoa flour suggestion. I used it for this recipe and it was great. There’s something about quinoa flour that I really like about it…and I always have some around in the kitchen.:)
I’m going to experiment too. I had never really thought about cake made by microwave in a cup before. It’s brilliant!
I just wanted to say that I shared this recipe with a listserv and my celiac support group, and I tell you, I’ve never gotten so much feedback! Everyone was like, “Oh I am definitely going to try this one,” and a surprising number got back to me really quickly and were like, “Just tried it–loved it!” Oh easy microwave recipes, how we love you, especially if you contain chocolate!
I am always searching online for articles that can help me. Thank you