If I am a fan of anyone, it’s Dr. Mercola. I can always count on him for health advice for my family and myself. Being a new mom, the lack of sleep and this new 24/7 “job” started to run me down a bit. I felt like I was losing my mind. Kept forgetting things, would space off, etc. I needed something to help me out. That’s when I discovered Dr Mercola’s Royal Matcha Green Tea.
Many of you have probably tried Matcha powder before. Have you noticed it’s usually slightly brown in color? That is of course if it hasn’t been dyed green with some additive (yes they do this!) the reason it’s usually brown is that the majority of the world’s green tea comes from China, Pakistan and India. Due to potentially toxic soil conditions, these green teas may not provide you with the health advantages you are looking for. Dr. Mercola’s Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea stands above other green teas by delivering high quality from the finest, youngest leaves from the first harvesting days in Japan. Needless to say, it’s a quality above to rest.
Why powder instead of tea bags? When you steep green tea you only get a slight amount of the benefits. By having it in powdered form, you are consuming the entirety of the tea and therefor getting more bang for your buck!
I am impressed with this powder. You can use it in your smoothie, in some water or even in a baking dish. There are a lot of delicious matcha recipes like muffins!
If you need an immune system boost, a little help with your digestion (don’t we all) or a better functioning brain, check out this product. Find out more about it here.
Miranda Jade
From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.