Category: Gluten-Free Research
Help Your Celiac Child Avoid Cross-Contamination
I can’t insist enough the importance of teaching your child about his own condition and cross-contamination. How much your child can absorb depends on his age and maturity level. You’ll be surprised by how much a child is capable of understanding, though. Even two-year-olds can practice “reading” labels with you at the grocery store. Practice […]
Treating Autism with Bentonite Clay
As a children’s author, researcher, and humanitarian, I have been growing increasingly alarmed at the growing rate of autism diagnosis. Whereas in the 1980s, a study shows that 4 in every 10,000 children exhibited signs of autism, a study conducted recently by Cambridge University’s Autism Research Center showed that approximately 1 in 60 children […]
How Much Gluten is Too Much for Your Celiac Child?
The amount of gluten that can be tolerated varies among people with celiac disease. In general, research suggests that less than 10 milligrams (mg) of gluten daily is unlikely to cause significant damage to the intestines in most celiac people. However, these small amounts could still be enough to make a person feel unwell. […]
Food Allergies – Response to “Times” Article
By Paul Antico, Generally, I use the AllergyEats Blog solely to talk about food allergy and intolerance issues related to restaurants. However, the issue I bring up today is relevant in that it calls into question the prevalence of food allergies, which can have a direct effect on how seriously your waiter takes you […]
How Much Fiber Does Your Gluten-Sensitive Child Need?
Your child needs daily the number of his age in years plus 5 to 10 grams. For example, a 5-year-old would need between 10 and 15 grams of fiber (5 years plus 5 to 10 grams). There are plenty of ways to add fiber to his gluten-free diet by including high-fiber gluten-free grains such as […]
Gluten Free Getaways- Travel Safely Gluten-Free
This is a terrific site for gluten-free getaways and traveling. Many of the old timers( those familiar with the gluten-free arena) are well aware of Bob and Ruth’s. These two have done a tremendous job in pioneering this area and setting up incredible getaways we can do in the comfort of other who also need […]
Probiotics: Dr. Fasano and Celiac Disease
As an author, researcher, and gluten-free advocate, I work to raise awareness for celiac disease and gluten intolerance because with increased awareness comes more research, more diagnoses, and even better treatments. I’d like to give you an example of how the work of just one researcher, Dr. Fasano of the Center for Celiac Research […]
Some Great Celiac Support Groups for Children and Families
In North America, celiac families have a range of choices of local chapters of The Gluten Intolerance Group, The Celiac Sprue Association, The Celiac Disease Foundation, The Canadian Celiac Association, and Raising Our Celiac Kids (R.O.C.K.). To find a nearby celiac support group, use a search engine and type in “celiac support groups” and […]
How much are we worth? – The “Veto Vote”
By Paul Antico, In a prior blog entry entitled “USA Today survey suggests food allergy sufferers find socializing tricky,” I suggested that restaurateurs would cater more and more to the food allergy and Celiac Disease community due to simple economics and the natural profit motive. So I thought it might be worthwhile to use my […]
NFCA Proposes FDA Gluten Labeling Requirements for Medications
If you’ve been on a gluten-free diet for a while, you’ve probably come to know many of the gluten-free foods that are safe to eat as well as which ones to avoid, through knowledge of what foods naturally contain gluten, familiarity with various food brands and companies, and the know-how of acquiring information […]
Consider Getting Your Celiac Child to Connect to a Celiac Support Group
First, a celiac support group will help you establish for you and your celiac child a network of celiac people who will be there for you in a welcoming, compassionate environment—with gluten-free refreshments, of course. Imagine what it would feel like if you and your child had a circle of friends to get together […]
Accurate Home Test for Celiac Disease
Looking to get tested for celiac disease? Conventional testing methods, such as intestinal biopsies and blood testing, can often be inaccurate. However, now you can bypass a doctors visit and test yourself for the disease with one-hundred-percent accurate DNA testing. How does it work? A test kit is mailed to one’s home which doesn’t require […]
Home Genetic Testing for Celiac Disease
Celiac disease affects 1 in every 100 Americans, causing a variety of painful physical and mental symptoms, yet once it’s diagnosed, it can be easily treated with a change in diet, without even the administration of drugs. Unfortunately, it’s as difficult to diagnose as it is easy to treat. Why is that? Doctors don’t know […]
Up Close and Personal with Author, Carol Fenster, “1,000 Gluten-Free Recipes”
1. First of all are you Celiac? No, I have non-celiac gluten intolerance. I don’t have the celiac genes; nonetheless, I get sick when I eat gluten. 2. How did you become interested in his area – gluten and celiac? I was told to avoid wheat in 1988, after decades of sinus infections. I realized […]
Helping Your Child Connect with Celiac Support Groups
If your child has recently been diagnosed with celiac disease, it is likely your family is still adapting to the gluten-free lifestyle. It may seem overwhelming at first to a celiac patient to begin the gluten-free road to recovery, as there are many challenges to face in adjusting to a gluten-free diet. Parents often […]
Gluten and Its Effects on Many- VIDEO EXPLAINING THIS!
Watch this very helpful video: I really welcome your feedback and let me know if you learned from this video. Tina Turbin
General Mills Offers Gluten-Free Bisquick® and Hamburger Helper®
Attention, Bisquick® fans! Bisquick® mix has been an American staple since the product arrived on grocery store shelves in 1931. Luckily for the gluten-free community, General Mills has now made a gluten-free Bisquick® available to the public, as well as three flavors of gluten-free Hamburger Helper® in Chicken Fried Rice, Cheesy Hashbrowns, and Beef […]
How Useful Is the iPhone App “Is This Gluten-Free?” – Here’s What You Had to Say
After testing the Is This Gluten-Free? iPhone app, I asked what others in the gluten-free community think of the application. Here’s a summary of the feedback I received: – Usefulness can depend on location. One app-user said that when he lived in Minnesota, the app wasn’t helpful at all, as it didn’t seem the […]
Tips for Protecting Your Celiac Child from Hidden Sources of Gluten
First of all, as you’re getting to know the guidelines of a gluten-free diet, read as many reference books and articles as possible and carry with you gluten-free resources at all times, particularly when you’re eating out, cooking, and grocery shopping. Knowledge is power when it comes to going gluten-free. A support group and […]
Gluten Enzymes
The body has its own digestive enzyme for gluten known as dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPPIV). When this enzyme is supplied, it greatly assists in the hydrolysis of propy peptidase assimilating proline-rich proteins. “What’s this?” you ask? Read on: Now this may all sound like a foreign language to you but let me clarify what it all […]