Category: References
Gluten is Not the Real Problem?
Is it really the GLUTEN? This is news everyone needs to really know to get a bit more advanced knowledge of gluten and celiac disease and please stay informed through the many radio shows on these topics. In my research and radio shows I find it is always helpful to add a bit more advanced […]
How Good is Legal Sea Foods at Handling Food Allergies?
By Paul Antico of When discussing which restaurants are the best at handling food allergies, two answers routinely come up in conversation. Up here in New England, Ming Tsai’s Blue Ginger in Wellesley, MA is one. Ming has been a pioneer in addressing patrons with food allergies ever since his first son was diagnosed […]
Very Informative Interview with UK Resident on Autism, Gluten, Books and More – Vicky Warren Speaks Openly
1. Tell me about you and your background and how you are involved in the area of gluten-free, autism etc. I used to be a nurse and midwife before David and I got married in 1969 – we then went on to have 5 daughters between 1972 and 82! I first became aware of having difficulties in […]
Gluten-Free Manufacturing
Jamie Stern founder of Allergies and Me has generously offered to share her research and knowledge on the very sensitive topic of gluten-free manufacturing. I hope you enjoy the wealth of information she has compiled for my friends and many visitors on my gluten-free resource site. ***************** As promised, I am going to cover the […]
My Personal Story with Bio-K Plus
While on a three-week book tour last fall in New England, I spent many meals dodging gluten, often driving away still hungry. Many days I know I ingested gluten from hidden sources or even an unclean grill, due to the effects I experienced soon after; the gluten was taking its toll. My intestines and joints […]
Peanut Shells on the Floor No More
I was reading about Outback Steakhouse and their gluten-free menu the other day when my mind wandered back to my days as a stock analyst. In particular, I was thinking about the early 1990’s when I was a restaurant analyst. There was a “steakhouse boom” where chains such as Outback, Longhorn Steakhouse, and Lone […]
How is Sjögren’s Syndrome Diagnosed?
There are several ways to test for Sjögren’s which I have added below, even though I have an Article on this very topic posted at the Gluten Free Help website. I personally had the eye test done (brings back memories) and then the blood test done. I have an account with a lab and can […]
Going Blind! by Sandi Star, CCN
I remember using a ton of eye drops and never getting any relief. I was finding pieces of Sclera (the white, dense, fibrous outer coating of the eyeball) inside the lids and I was getting scarring. I was working full time and going to school at night; looking at a computer screen all day and books […]
Treating Autism with Bentonite Clay
As a children’s author, researcher, and humanitarian, I have been growing increasingly alarmed at the growing rate of autism diagnosis. Whereas in the 1980s, a study shows that 4 in every 10,000 children exhibited signs of autism, a study conducted recently by Cambridge University’s Autism Research Center showed that approximately 1 in 60 children […]
Food Allergies – Response to “Times” Article
By Paul Antico, Generally, I use the AllergyEats Blog solely to talk about food allergy and intolerance issues related to restaurants. However, the issue I bring up today is relevant in that it calls into question the prevalence of food allergies, which can have a direct effect on how seriously your waiter takes you […]
Gluten Free Getaways- Travel Safely Gluten-Free
This is a terrific site for gluten-free getaways and traveling. Many of the old timers( those familiar with the gluten-free arena) are well aware of Bob and Ruth’s. These two have done a tremendous job in pioneering this area and setting up incredible getaways we can do in the comfort of other who also need […]
Probiotics: Dr. Fasano and Celiac Disease
As an author, researcher, and gluten-free advocate, I work to raise awareness for celiac disease and gluten intolerance because with increased awareness comes more research, more diagnoses, and even better treatments. I’d like to give you an example of how the work of just one researcher, Dr. Fasano of the Center for Celiac Research […]
How much are we worth? – The “Veto Vote”
By Paul Antico, In a prior blog entry entitled “USA Today survey suggests food allergy sufferers find socializing tricky,” I suggested that restaurateurs would cater more and more to the food allergy and Celiac Disease community due to simple economics and the natural profit motive. So I thought it might be worthwhile to use my […]
NFCA Proposes FDA Gluten Labeling Requirements for Medications
If you’ve been on a gluten-free diet for a while, you’ve probably come to know many of the gluten-free foods that are safe to eat as well as which ones to avoid, through knowledge of what foods naturally contain gluten, familiarity with various food brands and companies, and the know-how of acquiring information […]
Home Genetic Testing for Celiac Disease
Celiac disease affects 1 in every 100 Americans, causing a variety of painful physical and mental symptoms, yet once it’s diagnosed, it can be easily treated with a change in diet, without even the administration of drugs. Unfortunately, it’s as difficult to diagnose as it is easy to treat. Why is that? Doctors don’t know […]
Up Close and Personal with Author, Carol Fenster, “1,000 Gluten-Free Recipes”
1. First of all are you Celiac? No, I have non-celiac gluten intolerance. I don’t have the celiac genes; nonetheless, I get sick when I eat gluten. 2. How did you become interested in his area – gluten and celiac? I was told to avoid wheat in 1988, after decades of sinus infections. I realized […]
Allergy Eats-A User-Friendly Guide and Site
By Paul Antico, AllergyEats is a comprehensive, user-friendly guide to allergy-friendly restaurants across the United States. It is a peer-reviewed directory of restaurants – rated by people with food allergies, for people with food allergies. Our database comprises every restaurant in the country – from large chains to small mom and pops, from […]
An Extraordinary iPhone App
Many of us are either gluten-sensitive or celiac, meaning that even the smallest amount of gluten can make us ill. It’s estimated that 3 million Americans suffer from celiac disease, which is an autoimmune disorder caused by gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley, resulting in a variety of physical and mental […]
Is That Gluten Free? Download an iPhone App and Find Out!
As an author, researcher, and gluten-free advocate, I’m always on the lookout for ways to help manage a gluten-free diet. I just went shopping with the app, Is That Gluten Free? and I know I’ve found a product that will completely change what it means to be GF! You probably ask the question all […]
How Useful Is the iPhone App “Is This Gluten-Free?” – Here’s What You Had to Say
After testing the Is This Gluten-Free? iPhone app, I asked what others in the gluten-free community think of the application. Here’s a summary of the feedback I received: – Usefulness can depend on location. One app-user said that when he lived in Minnesota, the app wasn’t helpful at all, as it didn’t seem the […]