With another year past and new beginnings in our future, we found it only appropriate to feature a wonderful article from the new site GlutenFreeFind.com. Not only is this site wonderful but the founder was diagnosed with celiac disease in the late 70s as a toddler. She has worked with children with special needs and disabilities since 1998 and has always had the goal to help others. She truly has achieved this goal with this extensive site.
Miranda Jade
December 1, 2011 GlutenFreeFind.com Blog Post:
Since GlutenFreeFind.com has just launched (yesterday to be precise), we thought it would be fitting to write about new beginnings. If you have recently been diagnosed with Celiac Disease or gluten-intolerance, finding your way through a maze of endless information can be a daunting task, to say the least.
It is comforting to know that there are associations that can be “a place to start” and help you through that maze, while offering direction, guidance and support. In Canada, the Canadian Celiac Association (CCA) is available to do just that. Founded in 1972, the CCA is a volunteer-based, charitable organization that serves people with celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis through 28 chapters and 30 satellite groups across the country.
For about $60, a one year CCA membership will provide you with:
• A New Member’s Kit with material about celiac disease and coping with the gluten-free diet
• A Pocket Dictionary: Acceptability of Food Ingredients for the Gluten-Free Diet
• A subscription to the CCA’s national newsletter
• Membership to the chapter closest to where you live
• Although not posted on their website, the CCA also provides new members a copy of the book “Celiac Disease for Dummies” – you will need to inquire
For more information about the Canadian Celiac Association, you can visit their website at:http://www.celiac.ca/index.php or visit GlutenFreeFind.com and click on the “Associations” category.
Also founded in the 70’s, the US Celiac Sprue Association (CSA) operates similarly to the CCA. Both associations are leaders in their respective countries in terms of the work they do.
For about $35, a one year CSA membership will provide you with:
• A quarterly CSA newsletter
• Updates on research, legislative concerns, gluten-free product news and labeling
• Educational opportunities and local chapter meetings
• Membership discounts
• Accessibility to the members-only section of the CSA website for savings
For more information about the Celiac Sprue Association, you can visit their website at http://www.csaceliacs.info/ or visit GlutenFreeFind.com and click on the “Associations” category.
Wishing you health on your gluten-free beginning!
It is an honor to note that this blog post received special recognition on
Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s NoGii No Gluten brand facebook page on December 12, 2011:
GlutenFreeFind.com is your most comprehensive gluten-free directory providing accessibility to “everything gluten-free from A-Z”.TM Healthy living focused, free and easy to navigate, no registration required. You can find it all here- accessibility, gluten-free style! With only a little over a month from it’s start date. GlutenFreefind.com already has high profile celebrities advertising. The blog was instrumental in helping Kathy Smart completely sell out her cookbook around the world, making it a bestseller.
GlutenFreeFind.com on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/CA.Gluten.Free.Find
GlutenFreeFind.com on twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/GlutenFreeFind
From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.