This stuffing is not only gluten-free, but it’s also casein-free, and no one will ever know it! It has a bit of a kick with just the right touch of spice to not overwhelm the sweet potato, and it’s not overly sweet either. This is a delicious gluten-free and casein-free filling for a unique meal. Add some candles, and you’re set for quite an evening. I use chipotle powder, which has a wonderfully smoky flavor combined with a spicy kick. I just love it, and I hope you do, too.
See my page with the ravioli recipe to make at home!
(Makes 12 full size homemade raviolis)
2 cups fresh baked sweep potato
1-1/2 tsp Chipotle Powder
¾ cup Follow You Heart Vegan Gourmet Cream Cheese “alternative” (OR use real cream cheese if you prefer dairy)
¼ tsp salt or more to taste
1. Mash all this up with the back of your fork until well-blended and fairly smooth, not pureed. Do not be tempted to use a hand mixer.
2. Fill your ravioli shapes and seal edges.
3. Cook ravioli according to your own recipe or this one.
Miranda Jade Turbin
From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.
Hi Tina WOW this looks SO good to me right now! I love using sweet potato as much as possible while it’s in season. It contributes to my holiday mood and Christmas spirit!
WOW this looks SO good to me right now! I love using sweet potato as much as possible while it’s in season. It contributes to my holiday mood and Christmas spirit!
oops! Looks like I left a duplicate comment. Just wanted to tell everyone I did end up trying this recipe last night. I had some sweet potatoes in the kitchen and the other ingredients and I thought, Why the heck not. It turned out great!!! I really would never have thought to put sweet potato into ravioli. It’s pretty amazing how many things you can put sweet potato in.
Oh my goodness. My mouth LITERALLY started watering when I read the title and saw the recipe. This just looks so good…
This is just perfect sounding! I have never made homemade ravioli before but I’m really excited to give it a try.
I can’t believe it but it came out really well! My family was so impressed with me that I had made ravioli from scratch. I’m totally NOT Italian one bit. I will definitely be making this again. I recommend making extra because it makes great leftovers. I actually had them for breakfast this morning and it was very good!