Check It Out! is another GF resource, divided into four helpful parts. First is the Community, not unlike the social network sites which have been growing increasingly popular, such as Facebook and MySpace.

Studies have shown that one of the main reasons why some celiac patients can’t stay gluten-free is that they don’t have a support group to encourage and help them; on, users can build a network of supportive friends. After setting up a profile, users connect with gluten-free restaurants, bakeries, and companies as well as with GF friends they’ve already known or with brand-new ones. Don’t have any gluten-free friends? You can make some on; soon enough, you’ll have plenty of GF friends you can even connect with in real life, say, at your favorite local GF bakery that you also found on The other three tools comprise comprehensive listings of gluten-free recipes, food product information, and locations, such as bakeries and stores which sell gluten-free fare.

Gluten-free websites, such as and my own, make the gluten-free lifestyle less of a challenge. For those who don’t belong to a support group, an online community such as the one on can offer similar benefits. It can be tough living gluten-free in a gluten-filled world, but with these websites, you feel instead that you’re part of an exciting adventure.


Miranda Jade Turbin

From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.

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I'm a cookbook-collecting, recipe-developing paleo junkie, and I live in the kitchen. I'm hooked on farmers' markets, traveling, eating healthy, and hiking until my legs scream at me. There's nothing better than hanging out with family and good friends. I have fun and sleeping is just plain boring. Read more About Tina Turbin.

5 thoughts on “ Check It Out!

  1. Hi Tina I am a new reader and I am also new to the gluten-free diet. I was very overwhelmed at first with all of the things I couldn’t eat that I felt like I couldn’t eat anything at all and I would just buy processed foods because I didn’t know anything about gluten-free baking and cooking…I just thought that stuff was for stay at home moms and stuff like that. Anyway, thanks to your tip sheets and your wonderfully informative blog I’ve come to feel like I really belong to the gluten-free community. I just joined and wanted to thank you for this recommendation as well as all the other help you’ve provided along my journey. Sincerely, Mathilda Warring

  2. I belong to and I really like the energy and the layout! It’s great because I live in San Fran and there’s tons of gf bakeries and restaurants I’ve gotten to know through the website. I recommend it, especially if you live in a metropolitan area like the Bay.

  3. This is a great site! I also like, which is a lot like Facebook. Anyway, glad you’re recommending. It really is one of my faves. I also like forums a lot. It’s not quite social networking but some of the advice I get in forums is totally amazing! Stuff I wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else, even though it’s just anecdotal evidence.

  4. Personally I’m a fan of Gluten Free Faces, it’s like a Facebook for gluten free people and it’s pretty easy to navigate around and work the website because it seems familiar.

  5. Hmmm I’m going to have to try this out. I took a little look at the website and it looks great! Nice and bright and cheerful. I hope there’s a really active community that uses it. I think it’s the people that belong to a website/forum that really determine the quality of the experience. So many nice people out there are so generous with offering tips and recipes–just like you!

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