Category: Health
Is That Drug Gluten Free?
Being celiac, I am constantly checking the ingredients of products I come by to see if I can ingest them or not. I have become quite good at this over time and as my knowledge of gluten has truly expanded. One point which still baffles me is the topic of medications. I can hardly understand […]
My struggle with Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH)
Seeing as today is my Birthday, I wanted to share with you all a personal story of mine. It has now been 5 years since I was diagnosed with celiac disease. My health is back to normal and although I still struggle from time to time I am doing so much better.I hope my following […]
Celiac Disease: A Look into its Pathogenesis
According to the Canadian Celiac Association (CCA), the pathogenesis—that is the cause and development—of celiac disease consists of three factors: “genetic, environment and immunologic.” With regard to genetics, the CCA points out that more than 97% of celiac patients have the genetic markers HLA DQ2 and/or HLA DQ8. Celiac disease is now known to be […]
What Is All this Talk About Celiac Disease?-eBook
If you’re like most Americans, you probably haven’t even heard of celiac disease, which causes reactions that can affect the entire body, creating both physical and mental problems. The problem is that about 97% of over 3 million Americans who have celiac disease don’t even know it and doctors don’t much about it either. However, […]
Gluten and Your Pet-eBook
It’s not a new concept that our health has much to do with our diet, and it’s not surprising to find that the same is true with our pets. Over recent years, eliminating gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, from the diet has grown increasingly popular. Gluten has now been shown to […]
The Only Treatment for Celiac Disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis
Celiac patients and those with Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH) (the “gluten rash”) have only one treatment option for their condition, but luckily it’s simple, effective, and non-medicinal. According to the Canadian Celiac Association (CCA), this treatment is “a STRICT GLUTEN-FREE DIET FOR LIFE.” DH patients may also use the drug Dapsone to suppress their symptoms. As […]
The Amazing and Effective Gluten Intolerance Group in North Texas
Betty Barfield is President oif one of the most active Gluten Intolerance Group in North Texas. I have asked her to share a few words with you and to bring you into her world, her thoughts and what drives her and her team to have one of the most successful and effective celiac support groups. […]
Tina Turbin Featured on BlogTalkRadio’s Magnificent Menopause radio show!
Tina Turbin once again hits the radio with the lovely Carrie Pierce and Gail Edgell on their show “ Magnificent Menopause”. Tina, Carrie and Gail had such a great time last time they were all together they knew they had to do it again! Tina had a wonderful time sharing her knowledge of gluten sensitivity […]
Gluten-Free, Grain-Free Butternut Squash Souffle
This is an unusual and tasty gluten-free/grain-free dish using butternut squash. It can easily be altered by using another squash, such as acorn or even pumpkin. The reason this particular dish turns out the way it does is the butternut squash really doesn’t have an overbearing flavor and the spices and texture go together perfectly. […]
Celiac Nurse Publishes Gluten Toxicity eBook
The celiac community has seen a surge of helpful resources in the form of eBooks, including Gluten Toxicity: The Mysterious Symptoms of Celiac Disease, Dermatitis Herpetaformis, and Non-Celiac Gluten Intolerance by Shelly Stuart, R.N., B.Sc.N. The book contains 248 pages and 30 chapters of clearly laid-out answers and advice for those with celiac disease, DH […]
New Beginnings for
With another year past and new beginnings in our future, we found it only appropriate to feature a wonderful article from the new site Not only is this site wonderful but the founder was diagnosed with celiac disease in the late 70s as a toddler. She has worked with children with special needs and disabilities […]
Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH): What Is It?
Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), also known as the “gluten rash,” is “a blistering, intensely itchy skin rash.” Usually symmetrical in shape, it’s most commonly located on the elbows, scalp, knees, buttocks, and upper back. According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology (AOCD), people can experience the rash on other parts of the body and severity […]
Go-Go Rice- Gluten-Free Review
I was a bit skeptical testing “already-cooked” rice in a bowl. It appealed to me somewhat, as it was organic and preservative-free, and sometimes I do need a side dish and don’t want to wait for the standard forty minutes for my brown rice. So I gave Go-Go Rice a shot and asked my test […]
Dermatitis Herpetiformis Treatment Explained
Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH) is “a blistering, intensely itchy skin rash.” It’s usually symmetrical in shape and is most commonly located on the elbows, knees, buttocks, and upper back. People can experience the rash on other parts of the body, and severity of symptoms can vary. Just as with celiac disease, the prescribed treatment is the […]
Celiac Symptoms in Children
The symptoms of celiac disease cover a wide range and are variable from person to person, but according to the Canadian Celiac Association, there are some symptoms that seem to be particularly common among celiac children. These are: vomiting, irritability, behavioral changes, delayed growth or puberty, short stature, and dental enamel abnormalities. According to Celiacs, […]
Gluten-Free, Grain-Free Garam Masala
You can buy this ready-made, but it’s really worth it to prepare it yourself. Highly aromatic, for traditional North Indian and Mogul cooking, this spice blend is absolutely essential. INGREDIENTS 2 tbsp black peppercorns 2 tbsp cardamom seeds 2 tbsp coriander seeds 2 tbsp cumin seeds 1 tsp whole cloves 1 tsp grated nutmeg 2 […]
A Touching Celiac Story
My Celiac Story It’s been over two years since I finally found out what was destroying my body from the inside out. I had a history of stomach problems and when my symptoms became bad enough to feel justified going to the doctor, was told that I had gastritis, which is essentially an enflamed stomach […]
Associated Celiac Conditions
Celaic disease, which has a wide variety of symptoms in itself, often is attended by other health conditions. According to the Canadian Celiac Association, for this reason, it’s recommended that people with celiac disease symptoms or a family history of celiac disease get tested for the following associated conditions: -Osteoporosis -Type 1 diabetes mellitus -Other […]
My Article on U.S. Gluten-Free Food Labeling to Appear in Journal of Gluten Sensitivity
You can order a copy of the Winter print edition of the Journal of Gluten Sensitivity to read my article, “U.S. Has Yet to Define ‘Gluten-Free’ for Food Labels,” in which I take up the critical subject of the FDA’s gluten-free labeling regulations. The Journal of Gluten Sensitivity is a print and online quarterly newsletter […]
The Gluten-Free Diet: Can Non-Celiacs Benefit?
Over recent years, avoiding gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, has become increasingly popular among Americans. Many people on the gluten-free diet have celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten that can affect the entire body, in particular the small intestine, causing serious health problems. A study is suggesting that people […]