Today I was reading Dr. Susan Lark’s comments on the subject of fibroid and endometriosis symptoms, and she states women with these troubles may need to avoid whole wheat and even try a wheat free diet. She goes on to say that she has seen women worsen with fatigue, depression, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea, menstrual and intestinal cramps. Interesting enough these are some of the symptoms which can be associated with gluten intolerance, sensitivity or celiac disease. Well, once again we may have another answer to some of women’s most debilitating issues. I hope this opens the door for a possible answer to someone reading my blog today.
Tina Turbin
From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at info (at)
I just starred a gluten free diet, because I have Fibroids. I do feel a lot better & I also feel more focused at work.
That is awesome Denise!