There is so much about breastfeeding, formula, when to introduce solids, when to introduce grains, gluten etc etc. When I come across something that helps me I like sharing it with others in hopes that maybe it will help them. I breastfed by son until he was around 18 months old. I told myself I would do it until I no longer enjoyed it and right around 17 months I could tell I was ready to be done. I had a very easy time breastfeeding, having ample supply and my son latched perfectly from day one. This made it very easy to go 18 months. Not all moms experience this at all. I also work from home so this made it even easier.
Before I fully weaned my son off of breast milk, I had to find an alternative. He never had done well with cow’s milk so I knew that was not an option and I had no desire to put him on any crappy formulas with preservatives, soy or grains in them. My son always did very well on any goat milk products. His eyes would light up when he saw goat cheese or goat yogurt. I had from time to time given hime goats milk in a bottle instead of breast feeding him but did not feel that it was enough of an alternative to take the place fully of mamma’s milk.
I got to researching. I read all about the different versions of Westin Price formula. Figured out how much fat a baby needed, how much protein, etc. It all lead me then to finding the most cost effective way to make formula at home and on the go. Now, keep in mind my son was eating lots of food at 18months already. I mean man on man could he take down ribs. But some days he wouldn’t want to eat much and when he was teething he wouldn’t want anything but a bottle or boob. I then discovered Mt Capra. A reputable goat farm in WA. If you read the Westin Price formula, it can look a little daunting. Lots of ingredients and steps to do. The Mt. Capra formula looks like a twist on the Westin Price formula specific to really make it an easy to make goat formula.
So this is where I came in. I ordered some of the recommended products Mt Capra lists to make their formula but added in some of my favorites as well. It is actually very easy to make. After the first week I stopped having to even measure items or look at my ingredient cheat sheet because I knew it so well. My son is now 22 months old and still does so well on my version of toddler formula. I am not by any means a toddler specialist or dietitian for kids. This is just what my son thrives off of and maybe yours will too. This does not take the place of other vitamins I give my son daily. He takes DHA, elderberry,echinacea, a liquid multi vit every day and MRM’s cal-mag-zinc for toddlers. Needless to say, he never gets sick.
PrintHomemade Goat Milk Toddler Formula

Before I fully weaned my son off of breast milk, I had to find an alternative. He never had done well with cow’s milk so I knew that was not an option and I had no desire to put him on any crappy formulas with preservatives, soy or grains in them.
- Yield: 8oz bottle 1x
- Category: Drink
- 1 scoop- Full Fat Goat Milk Powder (Mt. Capra)
- 1 tbsp– Goat Milk Lactose (Mt. Capra)
- 2 capsules- Goat Milk Colostrum (Mt. Capra)
- 1/2 tsp– Ghee ( Pure Indian Food’s Cultured Ghee)
- 1/2 tsp Organic Sunflower Oil
- 1/8 tsp– Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses
- And in my son’s 1st bottle of the day:
- 1/8 tsp Probiotics (Flora Bran’s Infant Probiotc. It is both grain and dairy free)
- 1/4 tsp– Infant Vitamins ( Rainbow Light Brand)
- Mix all ingredients together with 8oz of hot water.
- Let cool and enjoy!
I now alternate between a bottle of the above and a bottle of only raw goat milk due to how much food my son eats.
If you need a bottle right away make this with 4oz of hot water and mix all ingredients well. Then add in 4oz of cool water.
From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.