Heaven Mills Gluten Free Bakery – Review

My testers and I recently had the pleasure of testing Heaven Mills Gluten-Free Bakery’s Carrot Muffins, Pita Bread, Apricot Hamantashen, and Raspberry Hamantashen.

Not only is Heaven Mills a gluten-free certified bakery, it’s also certified Kosher by Star-K and The Beth Din of Tartikov. Heaven Mill’s plant is gluten-free, wheat-free, nut-free, dairy-free, preservative-free, and many more “-free”s.

My West Coast team could not believe how amazing the Pita Bread was. They lightly toasted it and tried it with tzatziki sauce and homemade hummus and couldn’t get enough of it. It can be cut up to go perfectly as a side with salads, or better yet, cut in half and filled with whatever kind of foods you may enjoy, as you would do with a sandwich, for example. They have a distinct pita flavor and texture without any wheat or gluten. They have really pulled off an incredible product with this one.

Now comes the Hamantashen. For those of you unfamiliar with what Hamantashen is, let me explain a bit. It is a triangular-shaped filled pastry which is traditionally served on the Jewish holiday Purim. While today the pastry is filled with a variety of flavors, it is most traditionally filled with poppy seed filling. The name was intentionally distorted to Hamantashan which means “Haman’s pockets” in Yiddish. Some say that Haman wore a three-cornered hat, and that is why the dough is triangular. In Hebrew, the pastry is called Oznei Haman, which means “Haman’s ears.”

We all loved the Hamantashens in both flavors. My testers said that they went perfectly with their morning coffees and teas. They were sweet, light, and perfectly sweetened.

The carrot muffins come in a six-pack. Since I am a carrot muffin addict, I tend to be rather picky. I have tried every carrot muffin and carrot cake in every town I can go to. I liked these but did not love them. I found them to be a bit drier than I prefer. I warmed them up a bit and this did help somewhat. I added a little homemade cream cheese frosting and this helped even more. With that said, I found myself “trying” to like them. They just were not my cup of tea. My testers agreed. They said these muffins could be slightly sweeter and slightly moister.

Overall we really enjoyed the company’s products. I have to add, I am very impressed with their attempts to have so many “-free”s and still pull off gluten-free items that taste like the real deal.

Heaven Mills Bakery makes it easy and enjoyable to be gluten-free and Kosher. Even if you aren’t Kosher, these products will still satisfy your gluten-free needs. To order some yourself, you can visit their online store at www.HeavenMills.com.

Tina Turbin



From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.

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I'm a cookbook-collecting, recipe-developing paleo junkie, and I live in the kitchen. I'm hooked on farmers' markets, traveling, eating healthy, and hiking until my legs scream at me. There's nothing better than hanging out with family and good friends. I have fun and sleeping is just plain boring. Read more About Tina Turbin.

One thought on “Heaven Mills Gluten Free Bakery – Review

  1. I’m glad I came across you blog. I’ve looked for a good bakery, like Heaven Mills to allow myself to still get good bread. Some of the bread out on the Market, made by different companies, just does not takes good.

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