Leading expert, Shelley Case has and is a wealth of information. She has worked in this field professionally for many years. Her videos are free and available for everyone to learn from.
A registered dietitian, Shelley Case is a leading international nutrition expert on celiac disease and the gluten-free diet. She is a member of the Medical Advisory Boards of the Celiac Disease Foundation and Gluten Intolerance Group in the United States and the Professional Advisory Board of the Canadian Celiac Association.
Shelley is a frequent guest on television and radio shows. She has delivered numerous lectures and workshops at national and regional medical, dietetic, celiac and food industry conferences throughout the USA and Canada, including the National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference on Celiac Disease, American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada annual conferences and Natural Products Food Expo conferences.
She is the author of many articles on celiac disease and has many helpful videos to watch her website.
You can read about Shelly Cases’ book and you can purchase the book on her site: http://www.glutenfreediet.ca
Tina Turbin www.glutenfreehelp.info
From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at info (at) GlutenFreeHelp.info.