It’s rare to find a recipe that is capable of catering to the needs of the gluten-free, food allergy, diabetic, vegetarian and vegan communities—all in one recipe. Debbie Johnson’s cookbook, Fun with GF/LG Foods, is full of such recipes, and what’s more, the book available in the handy eBook format.
This cookbook is the first of its kind in that every single recipe in it is free of gluten, sugar, and the common food allergens as well as digestion-friendly and low-glycemic. Allergic to tree nuts? No problem. Lactose intolerant, vegetarian, or even vegan? Debbie offers alternatives for you for most of her recipes.
Not only are Debbie’s recipes accommodating, they’re also great-tasting, my favorites being the onion and broccoli quiche and the cherry-almond tart—simple to make and simply delicious!
The 75 recipes are easy to follow with tried-and-true instructions from Debbie, who has been eating low-glycemic foods since childhood and has been gluten-free for years. She was also the chef and owner of a restaurant, where she created and served these well-loved recipes. Her culinary background is evident in her flavorful and simple-to-follow recipes.
I have observed that people underestimate the effects of gluten and sugar on our health. Thanks to Debbie, we have a whole collection of recipes that allow people to enjoy food without these ingredients.
Debbie doesn’t just share recipes, she also helps us improve our own cooking by giving us tips such as how to make cream sauces without real cream or how to make a proprietary-blend, low-glycemic sweetener. These tips are invaluable when it comes to making you a gluten-free master chef yourself.
Don’t forget the unique eBook format! As Debbie shares on her website,, there are several advantages to this. eCookbooks are handy because you can save recipes as your own Word file, changing the recipe as you please to suit your needs, and then print which recipes you want to use. If there are any spills or messes, you can just reprint, and it is oftentimes easier to work with a single sheet of paper rather than a bulky book when cooking. If you do want to have a hard copy cookbook of your own, you can just print the eBook and bind it yourself.
I highly recommend ordering Fun with GF/LG Foods, especially for those who are not only gluten-free but need to maintain a low-glycemic diet. You’ll not only add 75 recipes to your repertoire, but you’ll gain from Debbie’s experienced advice to improve the quality of your homecooking.
Tina Turbin
From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.
Wow! With such a great review like this, I’m definitely ordering this. I’m just so happy to find so many high quality eBooks coming out these days. They’re so inexpensive and you’re absolutely right that the format is so handy as you say.
Hi Tina congratulations on your successes as a children’s author and with your Danny the Dragon app taking off and everything. I heard you on a radio program the other day and I realized I hadn’t visited your blog in a while (I’ve been so swamped!) and found a couple of recipes today which I’m dying to make! I think I’m also going to get this eBook too because you’ve written so highly about it I can’t resist.
I have been interested in low glycemic food for a while. After all it can help lower your weight and cholesterol and has other benefits too. I’m not at risk for diabetes or anything like that, but really I do think that a low glycemic diet is more natural for us any way and makes me feel better.
Thank you for this recommendation. I’m really interested in other diets that work well with gluten-free such as grain free as well as low-glycemic diets. After all, isn’t it all just healthy eating? Also, the more I get into these diets and pick up more cookbooks, the more really good recipes I find, and some of them are incredibly easy. Just search hard enough and you’ll find the recipes that make your diet really easy.
I checked out Debbie’s website and was fascinated by her stories of working at The Golden Chalice. Boy, I wish there was a restaurant like that around here! The food that was pictured look really good and different from what I’m making these days so for the sake of variety I’m going to give this cookbook a try. Just hope the recipes are easy:)
Wow, I can’t believe all the “-free”s in these recipes. Amazing! I’m not that much into sugar free or tree nut free (as I don’t have this allergy) but I’m curious to try these recipes. Thanks for this recommendation. I don’t think I would’ve heard about it otherwise.
I got this and it’s an AMAZING book! It’s one of those rare finds…really valuable. Worth every penny, and it didn’t cost very many pennies either. Please get it, guys!