After testing the Is This Gluten-Free? iPhone app, I asked what others in the gluten-free community think of the application. Here’s a summary of the feedback I received:
– Usefulness can depend on location. One app-user said that when he lived in Minnesota, the app wasn’t helpful at all, as it didn’t seem the brands and stores it featured where “Mid-West-friendly,” but after he moved to the state of Colorado, the application has proven tremendously helpful.
– Keep in mind the products aren’t necessarily Certified Gluten Free, so there are still some issues regarding gluten contamination from shared equipment, etc. Some companies do provide information, however, regarding this issue.
– Attention, parents of gluten-free kids! The iPhone app can be great for kids. One app-user has two boys who each have an iTouch with the app downloaded on it, and it has been very helpful for them.
– It’s not all-inclusive, but can be helpful nonetheless. Some subscribers report being able to use it at the grocery store all the time, while others find it useful only some of the time. All in all, it seems to be agreed that the app has proven to be helpful in one way or another.
– The free updates are handy. One subscriber has been using the program for 6 months, only paid $5.99 once, and has received 23 free updates. What a value!
– Access to manufacturer’s websites. Instead of having to look up the information on her own at home, this app user can check out manufacturer’s websites while at the grocery store, making for exceptional convenience.
All in all, most of the feedback was positive. Thanks for your input, and feel free to keep sharing!
Tina Turbin
From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.
I am soooo going to try this out. Thanks!