How can you find out if YOUR child should be tested for celiac disease?
WebMD Health News recently published a questionnaire that you can use to find out if your child has celiac disease and needs to be put on a gluten-free diet. According to the article, at least half of children with celiac disease NEVER get diagnosed, leaving them suffering from the painful physical and mental symptoms of the disease.
Instead of indiscriminately administering a blood test to kids, now we can narrow down the children who need to be tested by asking them five questions:
1. Has your child ever suffered from abdominal pain more than twice during the last three months?
2. Has your child ever had diarrhea lasting more than two weeks?
3. Does your child have a tendency to firm and hard stools?
4. Does your child gain enough weight?
5. Does your child gain enough height?
Check out the link below!
Tina Turbin
From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.
This is good to know, seems like common sense to me though if you look at the symptoms of CD in kids, but if you’re able to get these questions out to doctors and even school nurses–and it’s broadly known about in the medical community, I imagine more and more kids would get tested for and thus diagnosed with CD.
I remember when you posted this on your other blog…maybe it was on your Danny the Dragon Blog,, I was so sad to find out the HALF of kids with CD don’t ever get tested for it. That is really unbelievable. Thank god for people like you and elisabeth hasselbeck who are getting the word out there.
Interesting questions. I was looking over them and you know what? My daughter, who was diagnosed with CD three years ago when she was three, had issues with all 5 of these questions. So they seem like good questions to me!
I’m glad you’re out there raising awareness for celiac disease and gluten issues for kids. That’s gotta be the worst, having it from such a young age and not knowing what the cause is or how to handle it. Because we live in a gluten-worshipped society. I mean, if you have CD and live in our society then you probably eat TONS and TONS of it every day. I didn’t start getting symptoms until I was in my early thirties and luckily it only took about 6 months to find out it was gluten.
Hi Tina thanks so much for sharing these. I can send them out to my friends and my daughter’s school because it may just help with getting some kids diagnosed with celiac disease!
Hi Tina I love having you as part of the celiac community and raising awareness the way you do. We definitely want to get the kids diagnosed–otherwise that’s just too much pain that they’re going to go through! I wish we could get celiac disease screening in all public schools. That would be something, wouldn’t it?
I’m going to have this posted on the noticeboard in my daughter’s school in the nurse’s office! This is great!
Great. Sending this to all my friends and posting it on Facebook. If everyone posts this on Facebook and encourages others to do the same, you could reach SOOOO many people!
Wow I’m so grateful that, as far as it appears now, my kids are celiac-free and not even gluten-sensitive. They have none of these symptoms, but of course they eat a largely gluten free diet anyway compared to most kids. Fingers crossed!