How do you increase gluten-free awareness and make your gluten-sensitive child feel special among his non-gluten-sensitive friends and relatives? Invite company over for baking gluten-free cookies. His friends will enjoy the gluten-free cookies and can bring some home for their own families. The praise his friends will give over the cookies and the baking experience will make your child feel just like non-gluten-sensitive children. As part of my gluten-free advocacy activities, I host regular monthly cupcake parties, inviting gluten-free families from the community, usually mothers and their celiac or gluten-intolerant children. You can also host a gluten-free party and invite other families, allowing your gluten-sensitive child to meet and bond with other gluten-sensitive children.
Tina Turbin
From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.
This sounds like a great idea, but so much sugar though! I guess if your child just eats sugary goodies once or twice a week it’s not so bad. And I have heard some good things about agave, which I’m interested in trying soon. I’ll talk to you later!
We recently threw a baking birthday party for my daughter and the kids had such a good time. We were a little nervous about it because there were 8 girls all in our kitchen/dining room baking cupcakes but they ended up being very easy to work with and monitor. Of course they loved the cupcakes (no gluten doesn’t mean no sugar!) and they enjoyed cooking gluten-free (only one of the guests is another celiac girl). Anyway, the party itself was the baking pretty much and they had a blast!
My family and I have a baking party to kick off the holiday season every year before our actual Christmas party. We have such a blast baking everything. It takes allllllll afternoon, and then we just have a great time eating them, mingling, and relaxing at our party later in the evening!
This is nice to do sometimes with the kids, especially on rainy days or in the wintertime. In the summer however I prefer that they eat fresh fruit and spend as much time outside as possible staying active! Nothing can make a dreary afternoon bright and beautiful though like getting creative in the kitchen!
Aww this sound like a great suggestion. I keep trying to do more stuff with the girls but I’m soooo busy these days, and now they are too! I used to be the one without the time, but now they have been extra involved in afterschool activities such as sports and music lessons and drama. Sometimes it’s nice to just stay home and mess around the kitchen!
Great suggestion and a great way to raise celiac disease awareness! We actually put on a gluten-free bake sale at my daughter’s school which was AWESOME. Two girls are gluten sensitive and my daughter is celiac so we all got together with friends and put this thing on it was a lot of fun and now my daughter’s friends come over asking for gluten free cookies!
Hi Tina this sounds like a great idea. I have been to other people’s gluten free baking parties but that’s it. I always wanted to host one but I don’t have any kids so I would have to invite adults and their kids, but I’m meeting more and more people through my celiac support group and online so I don’t think that will be a problem. I was even thinking about setting up a group on for people who want to get together and do gluten free baking.
I don’t have formal baking PARTIES but I like to get together with my sister and do some baking now and then especially for a party we’re going to put on later that day or the next day. It’s just a really great time. We listen to music, chat and catch up, and she brings over her dog to play with my doggies. It’s a really special time we have and I recommend doing some gluten free baking with a friend or family member as a fun way to spend some time together:) Love you, my dear sis Rebecca (mwah!).
Awww I remember reading about our Pamela’s Products-sponsored cupcake party and I thought it was such a cute idea that I went ahead and put on a little cupcake party of our own with my daughter and her three kids. My daughter’s two daughters (twins) are celiac so we’ve all embraced the gluten free diet and thought it was time to teach these girls how to bake gluten -free stuff on their own (and their brother was happy to learn and help too!).
Aw this looks great! I remember when we were so lucky to attend on of your cupcake parties. It was really nice! The kids were sooo excited about their cupcakes (and they were so good–they didn’t even try to eat all of them at the same time but left most of them for later!) and they also loved their little goodie bags of Pamela’s stuff. They kept begging and begging to do one at home, but sad to say, I never did that. I bet they’d still really love to do that though.
I am going to do a gluten free cupcake party of my own to kick off the summer and I’m going to use this vegan recipe for Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Avocado Cupcakes because they are the perfect spring/summertime cupcake recipe. And they’re soooo good! Here’s the link: