Andean Dream- ONLY Gluten Free

Andean Dream’s Organic Quinoa-Rice Pasta cooks and tastes more like the “real” pasta I was used to eating before being diagnosed with celiac disease.
I had seven people test the pasta with me. We all agreed. We introduced the pasta to those not on a GF diet, and they couldn’t tell it was GF pasta—that’s final test that really convinced me that this was some of the best GF pasta we have ever had. Absolutely delicious.

Andean Dream also offers a line of Organic Quinoa Cookies, which are higher in protein, lower in sugar, and higher in fiber than most cookies. They run on dry side, but some people prefer that texture. The flavors are light and the cookies actually taste healthy, so you feel as if you can eat a few and it’s okay. They come in a box, each cookie individually wrapped to maintain freshness—a smart decision for boxed cookies, which all too often go stale before they are consumed.

Unique to this company is the source of their quinoa. Their royal quinoa is from southern Bolivia, close to a mineral-rich lake, lending to the nutrients of the soil to the quinoa and accounting for its exceptional taste over other quinoa.


My testers and staff feel the pasta was the product they’re all going convert to from now on. There were mixed feelings about the cookies, but of a large “taste party,” the cookies were well-received and loved by many.

Tina Turbin

From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.

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I'm a cookbook-collecting, recipe-developing paleo junkie, and I live in the kitchen. I'm hooked on farmers' markets, traveling, eating healthy, and hiking until my legs scream at me. There's nothing better than hanging out with family and good friends. I have fun and sleeping is just plain boring. Read more About Tina Turbin.

14 thoughts on “Andean Dream- ONLY Gluten Free

  1. This is wonderful news. I’m still fairly new to the diet, and I haven’t found any pastas that I really like.

  2. Hi Tina thank you for your reviews. These are products I haven’t really heard of before and I love hearing about new companies. I look forward to giving Andean Dream a try!

  3. Oh wow so glad to see you’ve tried this because I LOVE this brand so much and highly recommend it to others! Their cookies are so delicious and seem so healthy-tasting and their pasta really is quite something!

  4. Love the texture and the taste of the Fusilli Quinoa Pasta! I added “Dakota Lakes: Gourmet Coating” beer battered chicken with olive oil, parmesan and goat cheese. Delish!

    As far as the cookies go, my favorite is the Cocoa orange. You can really taste the orange oil

  5. The Quinoa Pasta is very good and versatile but i mostly love this line’s cookies. The Orange essence is light and zesty. The Coconut tastes buttery like short bread. The Cocoa orange is my favorite of the batch.

  6. I’ve used the Macaroni Quinoa Pasta several times in the past.
    I put the pasta and a little bit of half-&-half in a bowl with some
    pesto and stirred it around. The result was tasty pasta that is just
    as good as any gluten pasta.

  7. I love their cookies…especially the Cocoa orange. I really like the taste of this one. Mostly because of it’s orange flavor. However, my favorite is the Coconut. The coconut tasted very fresh. I could taste the coconut oil.

  8. The Macaroni is great, is chewy and sweet like wheat. I would have never known that it was GF. I also love their Cocoa orange: a good combo, not bad!

  9. I loved the macaroni! It was great and tasted just like pasta. The penne was good –very good pasta! I loved all of the cookies. These are great products!

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