Want to learn about a gluten-free protein bar we tried in my test kitchens with 0 grams of sugar? I know you’ve seen them in the health food stores and in many grocery stores. The name will be familiar but the history will not be.
Lizanne Falsetto is he power behind Think Thin Bars. At 18 she was relocated from the states to Japan to pursue a thriving modeling career for eight years. Wanting to continue to work independently and with an understanding of “wellness,” she became the CEO in her garage and kitchen with her first bar. In 1999, Think Thin was released broadly to the public. One strong purpose behind the company is weight management which is not my concern. Gluten-free is my top priority, and the bars all happen to be just that—all 25 flavors (7 different brands), excluding Honey Oat as far as I know.
I’ve had these bars before and they’re good. 3 flavors were new to me of the Think Thin Dessert Bars: Chocolate Covered Strawberries, Lemon Cream Piece, and Tangerine Cremesicle. The last two were a bit lighter in flavor than their other products.
All the products we tested were definitely filling. Half a bar actually kept me quite satisfied for hours so I can see how this fits in with the weight management, which is what the company is quite successfully involved in. They just so happen to now offer Think Thin Bites in 3 flavors, which are virtually the same as the whole but in two pieces, hence offering the consumer the choice to eat one piece now and one later.
Most products have milk powder so casein and dairy concerns may be an issue for some. The main sources of protein are whey, casein, soy, and peanuts. The sweetener generally used is maltitol syrup. For celiacs or gluten-sensitive people without diary or soy issues, these bars are a good choice, with 26 of the 27 being gluten-free.
Lizanne doesn’t seem to be slowing down. She has a strong interest in preventative medicine. She intends to continue to raise awareness about the relationship between disease and food, believing that if one eats nourishing foods and lives a healthy lifestyle, one has the opportunity to enjoy a high-quality of life.
Lizanne is a single mom making a difference for many people through her efforts and her company.
Tina Turbin
From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.
I tried the chocolate fudge one I believe the other day. I have seen these for it almost seems like a couple of years and I finally gave it a try after noticing they were sugar free. I’ve been wanting to cut out sugar from my diet for a while because I’ve heard that it can impede your immune functioning and I believe it causes breakouts. Anyway, I was very pleased with chocolate bar. It was still sweet and delicious even though it was sugar free. It also left me feeling pretty full.
I’m not much of a fan of bars like this, but I have to say these sound pretty good and I like that they’re sugar free. I prefer eating real food though like vegetables, nuts, fruits, and cheese when I need a snack. I didn’t even try to lose any weight by eating healthy but it just happened. I lost 10 pounds just by cutting out processed foods and sugar!
They sell these at my chircopractor’s office. He’s extremely against sugar and has gotten me to see how much it’s been affecting my health and well-being. I picked some of these bars up from his office and I freeze them and when I have a craving, I have one of these bars. They really satisfy my cravings and you wouldn’t ever realize it doesn’t have sugar in them.
Wow there are 27 flavors if I’ve understood correctly? I thought there were just a couple…I hope I didn’t misunderstand you because I’m going to be pretty disappointed if I find out there aren’t that many!
@Debbie I totally agree with you that sugar is really not good for your health. I originally stopped eating it because I was breaking out too but then my energy levels were boosted so dramatically and I lost 10 pounds in a MONTH! I hadn’t even been eating that much sugar. I couldn’t believe the difference it made. Then I switched my kids to a sugar-free diet and they started having better attitudes and they are doing better in school too. So I highly recommend going gluten-free, if only just for your kids!
These are awesome. They’re actually one of the few bars of this kind that I eat. I choose this brand because I want to avoid sugar and it still tastes good without the sugar and they leave you feeling very full. The Lemon Creme one is very good.
meh. can’t say i liked these and i’ve tried them a few times. however i’m not a fan of snack bars like these anyway. i prefer gluten free trail mix and dried fruits and real whole foods instead of processed foods like these.
I like these bars because there are 20 grams of protein in them! That’s quite a bit! Of course there’s nothing like protein from real whole foods which is better for your body to process. I never ate these to be thin or anything like that though. I just figured they weren’t making me fat which is a good thing!
Well I can’t say that I enjoy these but two of my girlfriends do love them but not for losing weight but for a quick healthy snack