Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Almond Milk Kefir- Recipe


For a dose of healthy probiotics and deliciousness, make a batch of almond milk kefir. This recipe was contributed by Judy Willardson.




A bit of honey

Kefir starter grains



1. Soak the almonds for a day or so, then put in the blender, then strain it.

2. Add a bit of honey and put the starter grains into the warm liquid.

3. Put in jar and place it on shelf for 1-2 days, and you’ve got kefir. Transfer to the fridge.


Miranda Jade Turbin


From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.

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I'm a cookbook-collecting, recipe-developing paleo junkie, and I live in the kitchen. I'm hooked on farmers' markets, traveling, eating healthy, and hiking until my legs scream at me. There's nothing better than hanging out with family and good friends. I have fun and sleeping is just plain boring. Read more About Tina Turbin.

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