Below is a recipe that was contributed by Rosie Newman a woman who has helped quite a bit over the past 2 years with my gluten-free activities as well as helping me with my children’s book communication needs. Rosie’s testing was based off of the terrific Only Oats GF products. Before embarking on these, be sure to read up on the gluten-free baking tips and ideas, also other terrific recipes using Only Oats. Enjoy! You can read and try another terrific gluten-free Only Oats recipe contributed too. (Read about Only Oats now)
Recipe: Heart-Shaped Whole Oat Pancakes (with slight modifications)
1 egg
1 ½ cups whole oat pancake mix plus 2 extra tablespoons
6 oz. organic chocolate yogurt
6 oz organic vanilla soy milk
(above yogurt and milk were used instead of buttermilk)
1. Mix all of the above together. Use a little more of the mix if needed to create a thick enough consistency.
2. Pour ¼ cup on the griddle.
3. To be creative you can oil any shape of cookie cutter and place on griddle, and then pour batter inside, and once bubbles start forming and popping, remove cutter and then flip over.
I chose heart shapes (in celebration of Valentine’s Day) for my pancakes.
Recipe contributed by Rosie Newman
Hope you Enjoy!
Tina Turbin
From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.
How cute is that heart griddle???
I look forward to trying this!
Thank you Tina and Rosie for sharing this recipe. I look forward to trying a new pancake recipe and I’ll let you know how it comes out!
This was fantastic! Tasted so wholesome and hearty. I think I’ll be making my GF pancakes like this from now on!