Gluten Enzymes

The body has its own digestive enzyme for gluten known as dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPPIV).  When this enzyme is supplied, it greatly assists in the hydrolysis of propy peptidase assimilating proline-rich proteins.  “What’s this?” you ask?

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Now this may all sound like a foreign language to you but let me clarify what it all means.  These are the exact “remnants” that can cause severe troubles for the celiac.

The DPPIV enzymatic activity actually assists in breaking down the difficult to digest peptides.

Reports in the July 1993 American Journal of Physiology says that the sequence of digestion which leads to partial digestion of gluten proteins exasperates the gastrointestinal condition and one of the enzymes required to break down these peptides has been identified as DPPIV.  The lack of this enzyme in the small intestine prevents this digestion and can result in an immune response which inflames the small intestine.

There’s additional support from the October 2002 Journal of Physiology Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology stating that DPPIV was instrumental in the breakdown of the gluten’s peptides.  The possible strategy for celiac sprue has been recognized through enzyme therapy.  Up to now only a strict adherence to a gluten-free diet has been the only therapeutic option.

In the May 2007 Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, the researchers made note and confirmed that gluten intolerant individuals definitely have a deficiency in the necessary gluten digesting enzymes.

There are a number of new products on the market currently offering supplementation with products containing DPPIV such as Metabolic Response Modifiers (MRM), Gluten-Free™, and Enzymatic Therapy to name a few.

Any celiac is warned that to date, a strict adherence to a gluten-free diet is the only prescription to follow for optimum health and repair of the delicate tissue lining of the small intestine and the villi.

There may be hope with new research into this area of enzymatic therapy and DPPIV.

Tina Turbin

From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.

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I'm a cookbook-collecting, recipe-developing paleo junkie, and I live in the kitchen. I'm hooked on farmers' markets, traveling, eating healthy, and hiking until my legs scream at me. There's nothing better than hanging out with family and good friends. I have fun and sleeping is just plain boring. Read more About Tina Turbin.

5 thoughts on “Gluten Enzymes

  1. Hi:I hope you can help me. I was diagnosed with Celiac in 2005. I am 73 years young and I weighed 106 pd. I now weigh 140 pds., I am 5’1/2″ I watch what I eat and exercise. I am a very active person. I do not eat GF foods except for my crackers and sometimes a Bar. I eat regular food not high in calories. I never see the scale go down it just goes up. I am frightened that it won’t stop. Apparantly I am watching my diet and that’s why I am gaining this weight I guess my body is absorbing now. I hope there is something you can tell me that would help me lose some of this weigh and if I can lose the weightt. It’s very depressing. I go to Dr. Peter Green. He said “calories in, calories out”. I know that I am not consuming a lot of the calories. I went to his nutritionist and she went over the diet that I kept for 3 weeks before I went to her and the only advise she gave me was try to eat less fat. So, I have been watching. If you can e-mail me I would be thank for. Should I look into what you mentioned about Enzymes… I do believe at this time, my condition has nothing to do with calories…I think something went hiwire in my body. thanks, Myrna

    1. Myrna,
      Many women have a bit of a wright issue after hormonal changes. Yes, celiacs can gain after they start finally absorbing nutrients. Having a body that is overweight, and not appealing YOU can be frustrating, where some people are just . Many are simply happy to finally absorbing. The weight issue can be very individual. I would recommend trying an anti-aging doctor also familiar with celiac diet and issues. Dr. David Minkoff is an excellent doctor and one I recently interviewed on the radio- who also addresses weight issues to rave success. You may contact his office at 877 804 3258. Please let me know how you are doing after you check into this area further. Exercise will help most people’s metabolism- hence Dr. Greens advice has much validity. All the best, Tina

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