Dedicated Gluten-Free Oats- Cream Hill Estates


Fulfilling the requirements of both the Canadian and U.S. government standards for gluten-free ( facility certification is no easy task. Ask Beth Armour of Cream Hill Estates, Canada.

Cream Hill Estates routinely undergoes painstaking and expensive tests to eliminate any and all possibilities of cross-contamination. The complicated and demanding process begins with the transportation of the select seed and crop of specific farmers via “proper” vehicles to the gluten-free facility.

The cost of the select seed is high. It is 99% pure, with only one non-oat seed per 25,000 seeds of oats. The fields must be proven gluten-free for three years with additional standards met such as distance to other lands and ditches. Inspectors visit regularly.

“Cream Hill Estates uses only equipment dedicated to further the process by high pressure air and industrial vacuum to eliminate any possibility cross-contamination,” Beth says. “Their trucks and storage bins are handled the same way.”

Cream Hill Estates tests their products at various stages in the lengthy and expensive process, and they are also tested at a laboratory certified by the Canadian government.
The Canadian Celiac Association (CCA) has established a specific standard for growth, harvesting, and processing oats in Canada of 20 parts per million (ppm). Beth Armour says her oat flakes test under 5ppm.

Adding gluten-free oats to a celiac person’s diet ( is another test. It can be tolerated successfully with a gradual approach in recommended dosages. The additional fiber and health benefits will be a welcome addition to the celiac patient’s diet. It’s recommend that a quarter of a cup of dry rolled oats be the maximum for adult consumption.

Dr. Peter Green, MD, the head of the Celiac Disease Research Center at Columbia University (, recommends annual blood tests as well as “appropriate timed” biopsies for celiac patients who decide to add oats to their diet. Dr. Green supports the attempt to add oats to the gluten-free diet for additional fiber and increased variety.

Watch the video review I did on these Cream Hill Estates products here or below.

 Cream Hill Estates Products – Review


Tina Turbin

From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.

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I'm a cookbook-collecting, recipe-developing paleo junkie, and I live in the kitchen. I'm hooked on farmers' markets, traveling, eating healthy, and hiking until my legs scream at me. There's nothing better than hanging out with family and good friends. I have fun and sleeping is just plain boring. Read more About Tina Turbin.

12 thoughts on “Dedicated Gluten-Free Oats- Cream Hill Estates

  1. I am encouraged to read this. I have just started learning about cooking “gluten-free.” We recently found out that our daughter has Celiac. It is so difficult to prevent cross contamination. We had Thanksgiving at my brother’s house and brought food for her. We used TFX cooking sheets (like Silpats but much less expensive) on the cookie sheets we heated her food up on, but still worried about cross contamination from the oven. I am glad to see the distance a facility must go to in order to be certified.

  2. Wow. I had no idea what it took to make gluten free oats. Cream Hill Estates has my respect. Plus I understand why paying more money for truly (“dedicated”) gluten-free food costs more than regular food. I also loved the picture. Looks like fried eggplant for eggplant parmigiana, am I right? I guess there’s more things to do with oats beside making oatmeal.

  3. Yeah I don’t do well with oats at all, at least the ones I’ve tried. I’m very excited about this company because I really miss oatmeal soooo much! P.S. That oatmeal breading in this picture is a great idea!

  4. So funny–I just started using this brand and I was telling my husband I should write to you to have you do a review of it because it’s so amazing, and here it is! Well I have to say that I did NOT think I could tolerate oats at all. I had given up all hope of it in fact, but then I ran across a lady not too long ago who was like, “Have you tried Cream Hill Estates yet?” So I gave it a try and what do you know? I feel great!

  5. That’s great to find another brand of gluten-free oats. I hope they’re less expensive than the kinds I buy at the store!

  6. I think I’m going to give oats another try. I tried one of the main commercial brands…what was the name? I don’t remember…it wasn’t Quaker though. Anyway that experience wasn’t good at all! But Cream Hill Estates sounds like a wonderful company and I love to invest my money in companies that go out of their way on behalf of celiacs and people with food allergies because heaven knows how tough it is to find food we can eat–and good food too!

  7. Hi Tina, LOVE the picture of the oat-crusted eggplant! Even though Quaker doesn’t have certified gluten-free oats, they have a whole bunch of interesting and delicious-looking oats recipes like oat-crusted chicken, etc. I really had no idea you could do anything with oats except make oatmeal or oatmeal cookies LOL. Guess I was wrong!

  8. Yikes! Sounds expensive! I don’t really miss oats that much to tell you the truth, but I guess it might be nice to have some around the house in case I felt like using them for something.

  9. I don’t know if there’s such thing anyway as an oat “fanatic” but I could take or lose oats and I’m fine either way. I just hate finding it in granola bar recipes and other recipes because how on earth am I supposed to know if the manufacturer used gluten-free oats unless they say so? It can be very frustrating!

  10. Wow yeah this is a bit expensive on Amazon but I guess it’s worth it if you really want totally gluten free oats. I think I can live without oats most of the year but I do like to make oatmeal raisin cookies.

  11. Yeah these are expensive but so much better tasting than this gluten-free “hot cereal” i’ve been getting –yuck! My kids won’t even eat that stuff, no matter how much syrup I put in it. I figure they deserve to eat some really oatmeal now and then!

  12. “It can be tolerated successfully with a gradual approach in recommended dosages. The additional fiber and health benefits will be a welcome addition to the celiac patient’s diet.”

    I have actually never heard about the gradual approach before with oats although I’ve heard about it with food allergens. Maybe I can eventually tolerate oats after all!

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