Gluten-Free Eaters, Check Out Sunshine Burger!

Sunshine Burger is one of the only companies that offers a gluten-free, soy-free, vegan andĀ USDA certified organic veggie burger. Only organic whole food ingredients are used, such as raw ground sunflower kernels, brown rice, fresh carrots, herbs and sea salt, all of which (the company is proud to say) consumers can pronounce.

Organic Sunshine Burgers come in several flavors: Garden Herb, Barbecue, South West, Breakfast and Falafel. All Sunshine Burgers are fully cooked and browned in the oven and come frozen to preserve freshness. You can find these burgers at Whole Foods as well as in many other health food stores and co-ops across the country.

For more information or recipe ideas, check out the link below!


Tina Turbin

From our home to yours, Tina Turbin
If you have any questions or suggestions just email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com.

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I'm a cookbook-collecting, recipe-developing paleo junkie, and I live in the kitchen. I'm hooked on farmers' markets, traveling, eating healthy, and hiking until my legs scream at me. There's nothing better than hanging out with family and good friends. I have fun and sleeping is just plain boring. Read more About Tina Turbin.

13 thoughts on “Gluten-Free Eaters, Check Out Sunshine Burger!

  1. Wow there are so many things about this veggie burger that are awesome for me because I am (obviously) gluten free but also soy free and vegetarian and also made of whole food ingredients. I’ve actually been making my own with white beans and herbs, but that can be a little messy and involved. I look forward to trying these burgers out. I hope they taste good to me!

  2. I remember coming across a blog you wrote on the importance of eating whole foods, or maybe it was an article, but it really got me interested in staying away from processed foods. I like the sound of this product, that it’s made from whole foods. Can’t wait to give it a try.

  3. There’s this great article on whole foods, Why Should We Eat Whole Foods? by Annemarie Colbin, Ph.D., which you can find online. I never really understood it until I read this article that processed and refined foods are MISSING parts and nutrients. Whole foods are whole because there’s everything in them still like trace minerals, fiber, etc. I definitely eat whole food products way more than processed stuff because why miss out on vital nutrition? Also, whole food products just TASTE better, because they’re natural FOOD!

  4. Hello there again Tina. I’m glad you’ve posted this recommendation because my teenage celiac daughter is now a vegan! As if it wasn’t hard enough to keep her well fed when she was just gluten-free, she’s now meat and dairy free too! I really want to avoid processed meat substitutes so Sunshine Burgers sounds right up our alley!

  5. I’ve actually tried this and I just want to say that it TASTES really good. I care most about taste (and obviously I want things to be healthy too, but if it doesn’t taste good then forget about it!) and it definitely meets my standards. I highly recommend it to others.

  6. Thank you Tina I’ve been a vegetarian for a very long time and after my doctor put me on the gluten-free diet it was hard for a while to find products that meet my needs. Sunshine Burgers is one of my favorite brands. I usually make most of my food myself from whole food, which in the end is cheaper even if it’s a little time consuming. When I do run out of time, though, I turn to Sunshine Burgers for an easy meal.

  7. Thanks for the recommendation. I’m trying to cut out a lot of meat from my diet in place of other sources of protein especially from veggies. I look forward to trying this brand. I’ve seen it at Whole Foods I think.

  8. This looks like a great recommendation. I like whole food stuff too, am trying to stay away from processed foods because those won’t heal your villi. Thank you Tina.

  9. I agree this is a great company! It was one of the first ones I tried after I was diagnosed with celiac disease and I was like, “Wow if it all tastes like this and is this healthy for you, this gluten free diet thing isn’t going to be so bad!”

  10. Thanks for mentioning Sunshine Burger, Tina! And thanks so much to your readers who have given our products such warm endorsements. We really appreciate your support.

  11. Sunshine Burgers are delicious! I’ve been a wheat free, soy free vegetarian for about 15 years and I was thrilled to find these, especially since most mainstream vegetarian burger patties are loaded with wheat or soy products. My favorite is the garden herb patty with a slice of cheese dipped in ketchup. Totally worth the price for such wholesome food and to support this business.

  12. Yes I entirely agree this is a great burger. What I like about it is that it doesn’t take on a gross texture in my opinion when it’s been out for a while. I noticed that this happened with Garden Burgers a lot when I used to eat them before the gf diet when I was just a vegetarian. If I let a Sunshine burger sit out for an hour or so and I come back to eat it it’s still really tasty:-)

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